The Eye: General Structure von Geoffrey Meyer, PhD

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „The Eye: General Structure “ von Geoffrey Meyer, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Sensory Histology“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Blue
  2. Pink
  3. Red
  4. Yellow
  5. Green
  1. Fibrous connective tissue
  2. Vascular tissue
  3. Nervous tissue
  4. Cartilaginous connective tissue
  5. Adipose tissue
  1. 500
  2. 50
  3. 5
  4. 5000
  5. 50,000

Dozent des Vortrages The Eye: General Structure

 Geoffrey Meyer, PhD

Geoffrey Meyer, PhD

Prof. Geoffrey Meyer is a Professor and Senior Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Human Sciences at the University of Western Australia.
He obtained his PhD from the University of Western Australia in 1981. Currently, he is the Coordinator for Histology in the Federative International Program for Anatomical Terminologies (FIPAT) of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA).
Due to his achievements, he earned the Australian University Teaching Award and has received teaching fellowships from the University of Western Australia and the Australian Learning and Teaching Council.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Meyer teaches courses on Histology.


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von Cerys C. am 28. Januar 2021 für The Eye: General Structure

Histology explained really well. At each step letting us know what is going to be explained is really good.

False Advertising
von Stephen A. am 12. Juni 2020 für The Eye: General Structure

Here is a quote from which describes Lecturio: "In order to take on this challenge, Lecturio created a high-quality digital medical education resource, which is affordable, adaptive, and personalized. We designed our platform with the needs of learners and faculty in mind, combined with the latest state-of-the-art learning technology and comprehensive monitoring and assessment features." The lecturer keeps saying that he is going to have the "anatomists" explain the structure in why are we wasting our money looking at this. I paid for a subscription to this site for "state-of-the-art learning technology." If a customer clicks on the video to see a presentation on the general structure of the eye, they shouldn't have to waste their time watching a PowerPoint with no pictures of the eye. It is an insult for customers to have this guy put up this type of presentation. My textbooks have better supplemental material .
