Talking to the Older Adult and Caregivers about Driving von Kimberly Posey, AGPCNP-BC, DNP, PhD, GS-C

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Talking to the Older Adult and Caregivers about Driving“ von Kimberly Posey, AGPCNP-BC, DNP, PhD, GS-C ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Crucial Conversations in Gerontology“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Inability to recall and demonstrate how to call emergency services
  2. Occasional difficulty finding familiar locations
  3. Mild anxiety about night driving
  4. Recent diagnosis of presbyopia
  5. History of arthritis affecting neck mobility
  1. I am concerned about your safety when driving, have you noticed any challenges recently?
  2. You are no longer safe to drive due to your cognitive decline.
  3. Your family thinks you should stop driving immediately.
  4. The law requires that you stop driving at your age.
  5. Your medical conditions make it illegal for you to drive.
  1. During a scheduled visit when there is adequate time and privacy
  2. Immediately after a minor accident has occurred
  3. During a group family meeting with multiple relatives present
  4. While conducting a rushed follow-up appointment
  5. When the patient arrives late due to getting lost
  1. Ask about specific recent experiences such as near-misses or new car damage
  2. Request an immediate driving test in the parking lot
  3. Demand to see their current driver's license
  4. Review their complete driving history since age 16
  5. Check their car's maintenance records
  1. Explore the patient's current activities and help develop specific transportation plans for each
  2. Immediately suggest selling their car
  3. Provide a list of local taxi services
  4. Tell them to rely on family members
  5. Recommend moving to a new location
  1. Consider reporting to appropriate authorities based on state requirements and documented safety risks
  2. Immediately call the police to report the patient
  3. Contact the patient's insurance company
  4. Remove the patient from the practice
  5. Disable the patient's vehicle
  1. The specific safety concerns discussed and any decisions or plans made
  2. The patient's entire driving history
  3. Names of all family members present
  4. Make and model of patient's car
  5. Cost of alternative transportation options

Dozent des Vortrages Talking to the Older Adult and Caregivers about Driving

 Kimberly Posey, AGPCNP-BC, DNP, PhD, GS-C

Kimberly Posey, AGPCNP-BC, DNP, PhD, GS-C

Dr. Kim Posey is the Director of Graduate Nursing and an Associate Professor of Professional Practice at Texas Christian University.

She has achieved dual doctoral status, holding both a Ph.D. and a DNP in nursing. She is dual certified as an Advanced Adult Nurse Practitioner and Gerontological Nurse Practitioner and holds a certification in nursing education. As a Gerontological Specialist certified by the Gerontology Nursing Certification Commission she is recognized as an APRN who possesses expert knowledge, experience, and skill in managing the complex health needs of older adults. In addition to this impressive educational background, she maintains active clinical practice with adult and geriatrics patients in the primary care area.

At Lecturio, Dr. Posey teaches Gerontology for the advanced practice nurse.


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