Obstructive Lung Disease: Areas von Carlo Raj, MD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Obstructive Lung Disease: Areas“ von Carlo Raj, MD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Obstructive Lung Disease“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema can never occur together.
  2. A completely reversible asthma does not fall into the realm of COPD.
  3. Patients with unremitting asthma are classified as having COPD.
  4. A patient can have a combination of asthmatic bronchitis.
  5. Patients with emphysema or chronic bronchitis without airflow obstruction are not classified as having COPD.
  1. Emphysema
  2. Chronic bronchitis
  3. Asthma
  4. Lung abscess
  5. Tuberculosis
  1. Chronic bronchitis
  2. Emphysema
  3. Asthma
  4. Lung abscess
  5. Tuberculosis

Dozent des Vortrages Obstructive Lung Disease: Areas

 Carlo Raj, MD

Carlo Raj, MD

Dr. Carlo Raj is a Physician and Lecturer at Becker’s Healthcare, in Illinois, USA, and the CEO and founder of Indus Intellect Virtual MedEd, a medical education consulting company.
He obtained his MD from Medical University of the Americas (MUA) and is an international lecturer and public speaker.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Raj teaches courses on Pathology.


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Takes a bit to get, but worth it.
von Paulina B. am 07. Oktober 2022 für Obstructive Lung Disease: Areas

Enjoyed the lecture so far. Sometimes a little complex, but once I watched it a couple of times, it really sunk in and now I feel like I have more than just a simplistic understanding of the subject

complicating simple concepts for no reason
von Abdulaziz A. am 15. Juli 2021 für Obstructive Lung Disease: Areas

this isnt how you see it in books or in real life just made up way to complicate simple concepts

von Jack B. am 25. Februar 2020 für Obstructive Lung Disease: Areas

I can understand why some find this confusing but I think the Venn diagram makes a lot of sense when you do finally understand it!

very unclear and complicated teaching method, simplify as you can please
von Neuer N. am 02. Januar 2018 für Obstructive Lung Disease: Areas

Unclear content and so weird method of teaching, there are many alternative ways that could be used to reach the idea more simple