Nice introduction to invasive ventilation.
von Mike P. am 21. Januar 2025 für Mechanical Ventilation
Dr. Raj gave a nice succinct introduction to mechanical ventilation. The lecture was a primer for other more complex content. I appreciated the connection of high PEEP to pulmonary vascular obstruction giving rise to right heart failure. Given this, it would be helpful to discuss in more detail the pitfalls of excessive PEEP on the pulmonary vascular relative pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure, unless of course this is covered in a future presentation that I haven’t seen yet. Regarding the nursing comments. I can appreciate the difficulty of grasping the nuances of mechanical ventilation as it is a complex topic. There are many variables to consider when a patient is on a ventilator. PEEP, respirator rate, minute ventilation, tidal volumes, dead space, airway pressures, etc. It can easily become a blur; however, I respectfully disagree with the RN comments. RNs working in critical care, including emergency departments are best served when they understand this topic as they will be able to care for their patients more effectively.
Great video
von Kieffer D. am 14. Januar 2025 für Asthma: Risk Factors & Prevention
Another great video that provided information is exceptionally accurate, precise, and relevant.
Difficult to listen to
von Alex A. am 24. September 2024 für Respiratory Pathology
This lecturer is very difficult to listen to. It's hard to follow, hard to understand and simply unpleasant to hear.
Great series on obstructive lung disease. Well-delivered.
von Tracy K. am 21. September 2024 für Obstructive Lung Disease
This particular lecturer is probably one of the best I have seen on the platform. I really enjoy his style, especially as he asks questions to the class as if you were in a real lecture. He has a wonderful way of delivering the material and makes it easy to understand and intertwine all concepts from anatomy to patho to pharm. Really great to learn from!
Malo explicando
von Victor Hugo J. am 29. August 2024 für Hypovolemic Shock
No se entiende claramente , no es claro con los terminos y su tono de voz hace perder interes
Poor lectures
von Kody H. am 20. Juni 2024 für Modes of Ventilation: Pressure Support
Very poor explanations need to provide answers for questions he asks he assumes too much.
von Rita C. am 16. Mai 2024 für Scleroderma
its hard to follow him, due to his disorganization
von birehan e. am 21. März 2024 für Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Pathogenesis
it's hard to follow him due to his disorganization. he jumps here and there, that makes it hard to follow
beneficial course
von adel a. am 15. November 2023 für Respiratory Pathology
I wanna thank Dr. Raj for this amazing course it was a very beneficial
von jack g. am 25. September 2023 für Cardiogenic and Obstructive Shock
his teaching style is abrasive. Lecturio couldn't find a better lecturer?
Excellent Lecture
von Elizabeth . am 14. September 2023 für Dyspnea: Causes
These lectures are very easy to learn from; instructor gives examples to remember.
Nice introduction
von Shikhar Y. am 08. August 2023 für Pulmonary Clinical Anatomy: Introduction
It is a good introduction to anatomy and histology of respiratory tree.
von Michael N. am 30. April 2023 für Respiratory Pathology
Detailed and very extensive with clear-cut explanations, that makes it easy to understand and remember, Dr Raj is exceptional.
von VISHNU C. am 13. März 2023 für Asthma: Diagnosis
Explanation is not logical ,needs improvement in teaching and to incorporate clinical features which hleps in differential diagnosis
von michael o. am 01. Februar 2023 für Disorders of the Pulmonary Circulation and the Respiratory Regulation
The videos are of short duration. The videos need to be longer, and some videos that I search for are not on file to be watched.
Good job by Doctor Raj------I wish I know as much pathology as him!!!!!!
Takes a bit to get, but worth it.
von Paulina B. am 07. Oktober 2022 für Obstructive Lung Disease: Areas
Enjoyed the lecture so far. Sometimes a little complex, but once I watched it a couple of times, it really sunk in and now I feel like I have more than just a simplistic understanding of the subject
von deleted u. am 27. Juli 2022 für Disorders of the Pulmonary Circulation and the Respiratory Regulation
I like the way Dr Raj explains everything with accuracy and with so much dedication.
All the other courses are very good in Lecturio except Raj's Pathology...
von Noona M. am 29. Mai 2022 für Respiratory Pathology
Unfortunately I am unable to listen to Dr Raj. I believe he knows a lot but it is difficult to follow his teaching. I am happy there is new content in Pathology with the new man who is a very good teacher.
physiology lecture are good
von dr. Jadumoni g. am 29. Mai 2022 für Pulmonary Diagnostics
I like the explanation of lung volume loop in normal state to their shifting right or left in disease condition. But,how these loop is formed it lack some explanation.
von Dr-Nadeem N. am 16. April 2022 für Obstructive Lung Disease
Excellent ideas and way of teaching Love to attend more coming lectures.
von Aseel A. am 03. März 2022 für Hemoptysis
I like the dr. explanation a lot. I love it when dr are brief and simple with their explanation. I love it then he used scenarios to help us remember the information which is really important and makes life easier.
Very useful lecture series
von Hanna S. am 22. Januar 2022 für Introduction to Pulmonary Pathology
the topic was discussed in a detailed manner but with attention to clinical practice and critical elements. the segments were short enough to reduce fatigue and allow for breaks.
Teaching format counts. Pleasant accent is part of it.
von Ruth W. am 01. Januar 2022 für Respiratory Failures
Dr. Raj accent makes it even more pleasurable to hear him. Teaching format counts. Accent is part of it. His rhythm and emphasis also helps. When he wants to emphasize a step in a clinical presentation, his pauses and intonation do help my retaining (I hope)
von Mehmet emin B. am 20. Dezember 2021 für Restrictive Lung Disease
Dr raj is an OG man. ? am glad that ? have him and his lessons
simple and to the point
von Brittany H. am 14. November 2021 für Asthma: Introduction
Dr. Raj is the foundation of my education and my tuition is a lot more expensive than this website.
Simple and complete.
von pptrf F. am 09. November 2021 für Lung Nodules and Cancer
Professor Raj is very clear in explanation and he kept my attention constantly high. Lung cancer is one of the most difficult subject to study and he helped me to keep important concept in order in my mind. Thank you.
Dr Raj teaches students to think
von Thomas L. am 04. November 2021 für Respiratory Failures
Dr Raj is very good in his teaching style in preparing students for the USMLE. He has a very good command of the subject. His teaching method is different in the sense that he does not spoon feed and wants the students to think on the material that they have learned in lecture. For those students looking for a lecture material I would recommend John B. West's small books on Respiratory Physiology and Respiratory Pathophysiology.
von Yi?it Ka?an A. am 28. Oktober 2021 für Asthma: Introduction
I cannot give less than 5 stars to any of Dr. Raj's lectures. But I accept that you have to be smart to understand him. His only mistake might be assuming people who lecture to are smart.
Excellent lectures once again
von Yiğit Kağan A. am 26. Oktober 2021 für Respiratory Pathology
I really cannot understand how one can give 1 star to Dr. Raj. I personally want to thank Dr. Raj for his vast contribution to my medical education. I wish physiology lectures were as good as Dr. Raj's lectures. Ironically, he teaches physiology better than your physiology professor.
Great lecture!
von Christine K. am 18. Oktober 2021 für Obstructive Lung Disease
I love your teaching style... your flaccid hand visual will be what I use to explain COPD to my patients!
falta mas información
von Yameli J. am 18. Oktober 2021 für Asthma: Introduction
Va muy rápido y confunden con los términos , este video debió tener mas claridad a los términos y con la explicación , un poco mas de profundidad
Pulmonary Pathology by Dr Carlo Raj another brilliant lecture.
von Gulbanu S. am 09. Oktober 2021 für Introduction to Pulmonary Pathology
Another brilliant lecture by doctor Carlo Raj ,
I like it very much such a great presentation and content is great . A very informative lecture and very memorable. His way of explaining really memorable . Art of teaching I would say .
Many thanks and I really wish best of luck all of the lecturio specialists and professors .
Also all of admin teams always response promptly.Many thanks indeed.
Great breakdown of diseases/infections by location
von Lauren E. am 10. August 2021 für Pulmonary Clinical Anatomy: Upper Portion
Love the explanation here about diseases and infections! Will never forget why squamous and small cell carcinomas lie medially now!
I also really enjoy the interactive component of your lectures! Keeps me alert even after many hours of study
Thanks Dr Raj
didnt speak about polymyositis
von Abdulaziz A. am 15. Juli 2021 für Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis
The title says dermatomyositis and polymyositis. HE DIDNT EXPLAIN OR BRING UP POLYMYOSITIS. this lecture series is rushed and done poorly.
complicating simple concepts for no reason
von Abdulaziz A. am 15. Juli 2021 für Obstructive Lung Disease: Areas
this isnt how you see it in books or in real life just made up way to complicate simple concepts
Good lectures on pulmonology
von S C. am 30. Juni 2021 für Bronchiectasis: Cystic Fibrosis
I love his lectures. He seems to make it stick.
Good lectures on pulmonology
von S C. am 28. Juni 2021 für Asthma: Diagnosis
to the point. One of my favourite lecturers. Really makes contents stick.
Differential diagnosis of Asthma
von Jaskaran M. am 30. Mai 2021 für Asthma: Differential Diagnosis
Everything has been described so smoothly .
I just wanted to know more about classification of asthma.
von Vishnu K. am 14. Mai 2021 für Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome: TTN, RDS and PPHN
An excellent lecture
von Luis Ángel Z. am 12. Mai 2021 für Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS): Pathogenesis
Dr. Carlo Raj, i like a lot the way you expose the lectures. You explain everything in very understandable way
Did not go in depth as needed
von Candace P. am 26. April 2021 für Asthma: Introduction
It did not provide insight into the actual pathological process leading to asthma. (i.e. the inflammatory mediators involved, the early vs the late phase of Asthma etc.)
Still don't understand
von Shanekah R. am 11. März 2021 für Acidosis and Alkalosis – Laboratory Diagnostics
I still don't understand. I have played the video so many times. Maybe its just a very hard concept.
Lit Lecturio Videos
von Samyak B. am 06. März 2021 für Obstructive Lung Disease
The way Dr. Raj build the topic up.. seems like he is also an architect with being a doctor.
Thank you dr raj
von Ambrose O. am 03. März 2021 für Pulmonary Diagnostics
Dr raj is a very very good teacher. I really understand many pathiophysiology now
Finally a clear explanation of ABG!
von Alejandro D. am 24. Februar 2021 für Approach to Acid Base Status: Step 1 and 2 – Laboratory Diagnostics
It is clear, well explained and very useful. Totally recommended.
Review in Obstructive Lung Diseases
von Zukisa T. am 22. Februar 2021 für Obstructive Lung Disease
I like the simple way things were explained
Sometimes more images to explain a concept would help...have you considered a pointer?
I love Dr Raj's passion and teaching skills!!
von Federico P. am 02. Februar 2021 für Alveolar Infiltrate – Diagnostic Imaging
Doctor Raj is the most clear Professor I have ever met in my educational history!
Thank you Lecturio!
Greetings from Milano, Italy
Excellent faculty for Pharmacology
von Sudheer H. am 27. Januar 2021 für Bronchodilators
Easy to Understand Lectures. Thank you Dr Pravin Shukle Sir
von Walter M. am 16. Januar 2021 für Bronchodilators
Good illustrations included in this lecture. Series is nicely divided.
Attractive and keep going
von BIHARA R. am 26. Dezember 2020 für Lung Cancer: Definition
I like that many many many part sir. It kills our boredom. Interesting
Best explanation
von BIHARA R. am 26. Dezember 2020 für Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS): Signs, Symptoms, Definition, Treatment
He explains it well without any stress just like a pro
Some problems with the accent a speed but OK content.
von Renan A. am 08. Dezember 2020 für Bronchiectasis: Cystic Fibrosis
The content is OK, but Dr. Raj speaks really fast sometimes and makes it difficult to follow him.
Great lecture
von Cecilia R. am 27. Oktober 2020 für Pulmonary Diagnostics
I am RTT student and it helps me a lot. Tomorrow we will be introduce this subject. I love the wait Dr. Raj teaches. Great knowledge
Thank you
Perfect explanation
von Cecilia R. am 26. Oktober 2020 für Arterial Blood Gases – Laboratory Diagnostics
Excellent. ???? . Very well knowledgeable . I am RTT student. I learned a lot more now Thant I learned in one semester ??????
Awesome lecture !!
von Kevin-John B. am 26. Juli 2020 für Respiratory Failures
The lecturing courses are amazing - principles are explained using very practical examples - making it easier to understand ????????????????
clear, simple plus real life scenarios
von HICHEM B. am 24. Juli 2020 für Respiratory Failures
all the lectures by Dr. Carlo Raj were great for me, hope you guys keep up that way
von adrianmola2014@gmail B. am 08. Juli 2020 für Silicosis
Excellent explanation. In a few words easy understand this important topic. Thank you very much
Clear and perfect thank you !
von Marion E. am 05. Juli 2020 für Cardiogenic and Obstructive Shock
Thank you very much for this very clear shock lecture !
A very thorough and clear explanation.
von Nada I. am 02. Juni 2020 für Chest CT Scan – Diagnostic Imaging
The vocabulary is understandable and the explanation is thorough and organized.
Superb explanation
von Rajath R. am 25. Mai 2020 für Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS): Pathogenesis
Thank u so much Dr Raj. It was a very good lecture.
The best teacher
von Ricardo G. am 16. Mai 2020 für Loop Spirometries – Laboratory Diagnostics
The best teacher , loop spirometry is now reinforced , thanks to carlo raj
the best
von Ricardo G. am 14. Mai 2020 für Small Lung Cancer
The best teacher ever , wonderful lectures , it would be awesome that lecturio hired him again to do more lectures
I think its method is interesting.
von andre g. am 27. April 2020 für Introduction to Pulmonary Pathology
He is explaining in a simple way the pulmonary disorders.
Excellent Lecture by the Teacher
von Sudheer H. am 27. März 2020 für Emphysema: Pathogenesis B
Very easy to understand Lectures. Well Explained. Liked it very much.
Well Explained
von Sudheer H. am 25. März 2020 für Acute Hypoxemic
Very Well Taught Lecture by Dr Raj, Very Easy to Understand
von Jack B. am 25. Februar 2020 für Obstructive Lung Disease: Areas
I can understand why some find this confusing but I think the Venn diagram makes a lot of sense when you do finally understand it!
Not his best
von Jack B. am 25. Februar 2020 für Modes of Ventilation: Auto-PEEP
great lecturer but some lectures present information that is literally incomprehensible
very concise and valuable pearls for the exams and beyond
von Joseph Sanal P. am 06. Februar 2020 für Cough: Pearls
very concise and valuable pearls for the exams and beyond
he is great Dr Raj
von Jean Robert M. am 04. Februar 2020 für Restrictive Lung Disease
i like it very much ,he explains very well.thanks Lecturio
von Suz B. am 03. Februar 2020 für Metabolic Acidosis – Laboratory Diagnostics
Great explanation, details, logarithms and discussion. Great lecturer, thanks Dr Raj
von Ricardo G. am 01. Februar 2020 für Asthma: Treatment
You are the best teacher in the world ,thanks for exist
von Ricardo G. am 30. Januar 2020 für Obstructive Lung Disease
Very clear as always , Superb course , dont trust in the reviewers that rate with 1 star , If they dont understand that is their fault
Amazing teacher
von Saradha P. am 06. Januar 2020 für Disorders of the Pulmonary Circulation and the Respiratory Regulation
Dr Raj is just amazing , he simplifies the concept and makes it funny
Easy to understand and remember
von Shorena Z. am 04. Januar 2020 für Loop Spirometries – Laboratory Diagnostics
Very good and easy to remember overview of spirometry reading
von Irina P. am 09. Dezember 2019 für Biological Agents: Monoclonal Antibodies
The professor is very informative, and his lectures are not boring!
Carlo Raj, MD gives great lectures.
von Akunna E. am 31. Oktober 2019 für Mesothelioma
I generally love the way he teaches, It's very clear and he makes you think in the process.
Dr Raj is awesome
von Sima Fatima u. am 27. Oktober 2019 für Alveolar Gas Equation – Laboratory Diagnostics
Dr Raj is absolutely incredible; respiratory physio/patho is a subject I find very difficult to understand, but when I started to watch Dr Raj's lectures, everything started to slowly make sense. He makes the concepts simple and easy to understand, and he always relates the concepts to their clinical purposes....I just LOVE this professor!
Easy to understand and a logical flow
von Trient S. am 04. Oktober 2019 für Lung Cancer
I skipped my schools lecture on this and just watched lecturio. Got all
my questions right from this section.
von Orestes R. am 03. September 2019 für Asthma: Treatment
This professor does not explain. I've been trying to dissect all his asthma lectures and it's very hard. it's very incoherent; he jumps concepts and doesn't finish explaining them.
Difficult concept made simple!
von Nasir S. am 25. August 2019 für Emphysema: Pathogenesis A
Dr. Raj, you are an amazing teacher! You know how to take a difficult concept and make it very easy to understand. Thank you!
Explains asthma as it is
von bertha s. am 18. August 2019 für Asthma: Introduction
I would recommend this lecture. this intro to asthma did exactly that. it gave a presentation of an actual ER patient with asthma.
von Lina O. am 11. August 2019 für Lung Pathology in Lupus and in Rheumatoid Arthritis
It lacks some explanation and context of what the lecture is about.
Sleep apnea
von La melma C. am 09. Juli 2019 für Sleep Apnea: Definition
Holy moly, you are awesome. I understood the topic ASSAP. I love the way you explain, keep up the good job
Lectures are good but they can be great if there will be more detail on mode of action.
von zoha f. am 24. Juni 2019 für Release Inhibitors and IgE-Antibody-mediated Therapy
I liked it because I learned some keypoints in less time .It usually would have took 3-4 days for me to get all the points but LECTURIO and PRAVIN SHUKLE made it easiler for me .
But in my point of veiw there should be more detail about the mode of action and mechanism of drug .
I can and will recommend lecturio to my friends and even to pharm D friends.
Glad I'm using Lecturio!
von Siya S. am 14. Juni 2019 für Obstructive Lung Disease
Dr Carlo Raj presents the information in a very structured manner that is comprehensive, yet easy to understand.
He also touches upon other topics related to the topic of discussion that allows for a more wholesome approach.
Best teaching style
von Frances E. am 10. Juni 2019 für Asthma: Treatment
I know his teaching style does not suit some people, but I find that he makes references to a lot of previous learning which keeps it fresh and relevant in my mind! Thank you v. much Dr Raj
informative and entertaining!
von Saad M. am 24. Mai 2019 für Respiratory Pathology
The lectures give us precise and important details about the topic. Dr. Raj makes the topics so entertaining that I feel motivated to log in just to listen to his lectures
von Helen D. am 14. Mai 2019 für Lung Cancer
I enjoy Dr Carl a lot, great and clear and more so easy to understand. Makes medicine a lot more fun
Great Dr
von Helen D. am 14. Mai 2019 für Restrictive Lung Disease
I enjoy Dr Carl a lot, great and clear and more so easy to understand. Makes medicine a lot more fun
No thanks
von Anna S. am 10. März 2019 für Acute Hypoxemic
Why is he not speaking in full sentences? He's talking like Yoda
I'm on my free trial and definitely won't be buying a subscription after this
give me free subscription, ill tell other guys .... :-)
von MIKE M. am 08. Januar 2019 für Bronchodilators
slow and broken .... lectures must be energetic n lively and 1 hour long at least
Right to the point!
von hassan f. am 11. Dezember 2018 für Asthma: Diagnosis
precise explanation given covering high yield facts about asthma diagnosis
Easy to understand
von Siddhant G. am 01. Dezember 2018 für Asthma Medication Questions
I love how simple the concepts sound in these videos. I can watch these videos before my university lectures, without any other form of previewing, and feel adequately prepared.
Wonderful teacher!
von Mariia R. am 24. Oktober 2018 für Emphysema: Pathogenesis B
I would never get it without you, Dr. Raj! Thank you soooooooooooooo much!!!!!!
Beautiful explanation
von Jordan M. am 12. Juli 2018 für Acidosis and Alkalosis – Laboratory Diagnostics
He explains it so well, but I wish there was subtitles
Very good
von Pablo V d. am 18. Mai 2018 für Asthma: Treatment
You guys have to read the articles and study some things before getting to Dr Carlos videos. He is very fast and dont explain certain terms because you have to know this stuff before watching the video.
Highly recommend
von Evelyn R P. am 01. Mai 2018 für Respiratory Failures
Really excellent. Clear, concise and very personable. I find his lectures much better than attending some of my classes. His material and delivery have helped me immensely.
Embarrassing for lecturio
von Patrick C. am 11. April 2018 für Asthma: Introduction
Horrible. Whats even more horrible is that there are previous comments written months ago and Lecturio could care less to correct them. Great job Lecturio in keeping your paying customers happy. Waste of money.
Right to the point!
von Gualberta v. am 23. März 2018 für Asthma: Treatment
Right to the point, just like we are asked on the exam :) Nice!
von kevin B. am 21. März 2018 für Modes of Ventilation: Auto-PEEP
The information was presented in a very clear and concise manner.
Great lecture as usual
von Okechukwu V. am 08. März 2018 für Lung Nodules and Cancer
Excellent, in depth but simple. Keep up the good work, Dr Raj
Impossible to understand
von Manraj J. am 23. Februar 2018 für Asthma: Introduction
The lecture is incredibly incoherent, lacks sentence structure and doesn't really make sense
von olawale o. am 05. Februar 2018 für Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS): Differential Diagnosis
Once again, Dr. Raj is blowing my mind with the way he teach medicine. Connecting everything from here on out to eternity. I have a question about that second quiz question about sepsis before ARDS. The answer was that ARDS following sepsis will decrease the cardiac output, and that was according to what Dr. Raj said in the lectures. Is it possible that we could also have a situation with respiratory rate increasing?
medicamentos para el asma
von wamira jhianel h. am 04. Februar 2018 für Asthma Medications
una buena explicación con datos infaltables y resumen bien dado. Ademas las preguntas al final sirven demasiado para poder poner a prueba el aprendizaje del receptor
need subtitle in every video
von puvit s. am 03. Februar 2018 für Respiratory Pathology
Some of the video doesn't have subtitle yet. Can you insert it please?
von Sandaruwan P. am 02. Februar 2018 für Respiratory Pathology
to the point.. no too much details... and not boring.
Dr. Raj lecture was complete and thorough!
von olawale o. am 01. Februar 2018 für Obstructive Lung Disease
This is a good discussion on COPDs. I could have try to memorize FA one page on COPD without much understanding, but Dr. Raj’s teaching on this material set me up for life.
Explanation is not coherent, does not use full sentences, connections between concepts are not logical. Does not articulate.
von Nicole G. am 30. Januar 2018 für Asthma: Introduction
Explanation is not coherent, does not use full sentences, connections between concepts are not logical. Does not articulate.
Explanation is not coherent, does not use full sentences, connections between concepts are not logical. Does not articulate.
von Nicole G. am 30. Januar 2018 für Asthma: Diagnosis
Explanation is not coherent, does not use full sentences, connections between concepts are not logical. Does not articulate.
Explanation is not coherent.
von Nicole G. am 30. Januar 2018 für Asthma: Treatment
Explanation is not coherent, does not use full sentences, connections between concepts are not logical. Does not articulate.
very unclear and complicated teaching method, simplify as you can please
von Neuer N. am 02. Januar 2018 für Obstructive Lung Disease: Areas
Unclear content and so weird method of teaching, there are many alternative ways that could be used to reach the idea more simple
Good although there are quiz erros.
von Tomás N. am 27. Dezember 2017 für Introduction to Pulmonary Pathology
Very good although there are some erros in the quiz. As an exemple, the quiz says that the central receptores are responsive to CO2 when in the physiology course it says that it is in fact responsive to H+ (after a reaction involving CO2).
I would recommend some mending in quiz errors.
von EDUARDO H. am 22. November 2017 für Asthma: Signs and Symptoms
Its an ok explanation. Should be more detailed and not presume that the studends know certain things! Also, more exercises should be proposed
von M. am 12. November 2017 für Pulmonary Diagnostics
Very clear explantation. Realy, organized my way of thinking and approach to cases.
Precision medicine is the focus, with cancer. Need to be covered.
von Gopalakrishna R. am 22. Oktober 2017 für Lung Nodules and Cancer
Good one. More pictorial would be necessary for better understanding.
good description
von Mahran H. am 26. September 2017 für Asthma Medication Questions
i am very happy for listining this lecture ..good conclusion for asthma pharmacology
Loved it!!!
von Mingmar S. am 23. September 2017 für Obstructive Lung Disease
Thanks to Dr. Raj, all other lectureres, and Lecturio for such great videos. Absolutely phenomenal job on explaining every topic and I love the quizzes.
Great teacher
von Dontre' D. am 21. September 2017 für Respiratory Pathology
I love this course! Dr. Raj makes path memorable and fun to learn
Poor teaching
von Charles R. am 11. September 2017 für Respiratory Pathology
I do not like the style of Carlo Raj at all. I am almost considering cancelling my subscription, because he is almost omnipresent in all videos. He basically just reads or says some non sense to the camera. Is that teaching?
Too short videos with too many repetitive nonsense statements.
von Wei Z. am 15. August 2017 für Small Lung Cancer
Most videos by this speaker are too short sometimes cut in the middle. Also, too many repetitive nonsense statements.
Excellent Course
von Hannah S. am 14. August 2017 für Lung Cancer
Simple and to-the-point, but also explains concepts in enough detail as to provide context so it's easier to remember. I also enjoyed the corny jokes peppered throughout.
Carlos Raj is Amazing
von Tosin I. am 24. Juli 2017 für Pulmonary Diagnostics
It's so precise and it helps my knowledge base for a quick overview and reference. Carlos Raj is amazing
Very good
von Tan W. am 24. Juli 2017 für Respiratory Failures
Dr Carlo is good in everything. Summarizes respiratory failure in a simple and easy to understanding way.
Also the questions further consolidate the concept.
Really enjoyed.
Excellent Teacher
von Sarisha S. am 16. Juli 2017 für Asthma Medication Questions
This review was extremely concise. Strictly what you need to know! Good Job!
Loved this, excellent!
von Petty K. am 18. Juni 2017 für Asthma Medication Questions
Literally shortened my 1hr lecture into 10 mins and covered everything I need!
Very Good!
von Reymark G. am 22. Mai 2017 für Asthma Medication Questions
Good teacher and has a calm voice, makes him a good speaker.
Dr. Raj is the best.
von Jon R. am 05. April 2017 für Obstructive Lung Disease
Dr. Raj is the best. Very uplifting and fun to watch, I forget I'm learning.
love it?
von Neda'a S. am 08. Januar 2017 für Asthma Medications
Asthma medication ? by Pravin Shukle ,
Simplified explanation, I love the simple explanation (Y)
The lecturer is awesome
von Joecymar O. am 10. Dezember 2016 für Respiratory Pathology
I've really learned a lot! I like how the lecturer uses repetition and reinforcement of important facts throughout the video series. I have one small comment, though, about the transcripts. Not all the videos have one, and transcripts help me to save time when I wasn't able to understand some points because then I will just read the part I did not understand instead of rewinding the video by about 30 seconds. Hopefully this will be solved soon, but other than that, I've got no complaints!