Labor Stage 1: Normal and Abnormal Labor von Veronica Gillispie, MD, MAS, FACOG

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Labor Stage 1: Normal and Abnormal Labor“ von Veronica Gillispie, MD, MAS, FACOG ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Intrapartum Care“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • First Stage of Labor
  • Stage 1 – Normal Labor
  • Stage 1 – Abnormal Labor

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. If external intrauterine pressure measurement is insufficient, an intrauterine catheter should be placed.
  2. She should be started on Pitocin to increase the frequency of her contractions.
  3. She should be given a cervical ripening agent to soften the cervix.
  4. She should be managed expectantly for spontaneous vaginal delivery with no further intervention.
  5. She should go for a cesarean section.
  1. Evaluate for fetal malpresentation
  2. Start Pitocin to increase the strength of her contractions
  3. Start Pitocin to increase the frequency of her contractions
  4. Vacuum-assisted delivery to help the baby descend into the pelvis
  5. Administer a cervical ripening agent to soften the cervix
  1. Gynecoid pelvis
  2. Anthropoid pelvis
  3. Platypelloid pelvis
  4. Android pelvis
  5. Cuboid pelvis
  1. Anterior occiput
  2. Posterior occiput
  3. Transverse anterior
  4. Transverse posterior
  5. Right anterior transverse

Dozent des Vortrages Labor Stage 1: Normal and Abnormal Labor

 Veronica Gillispie, MD, MAS, FACOG

Veronica Gillispie, MD, MAS, FACOG

Dr. Veronica Gillispie is the Associate Professor, Senior Site Lead and Section Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Ochsner Health Center in Louisiana, USA.
She obtained her Medical Degree from Meharry Medical College in 2004. Currently, she is Director of Quality for Women’s Services for the Ochsner Health System, and Medical Director of the Minimally Invasive Center for the Treatment of Uterine Fibroids.
Due to her achievements, she earned the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) Excellence in Teaching Award.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Gillispie teaches courses on Obstetrics.


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von Solomon T. am 22. Februar 2021 für Labor Stage 1: Normal and Abnormal Labor

well explained and detailed content and structure for easy understanding and memorization

I Really liked it
von ANDRES R. am 09. Februar 2017 für Labor Stage 1: Normal and Abnormal Labor

I Really liked it. The example you gave with the wedding was perfect, I will never forget it.

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