Digestive System: Functions and Organs (Nursing) von Jasmine Clark, PhD

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Digestive System: Functions and Organs (Nursing)“ von Jasmine Clark, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Gastrointestinal System – Physiology (Nursing)“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Take in food
  2. Break food down into nutrient molecules
  3. Absorb molecules into the bloodstream
  4. Rid the body of any indigestible remains
  5. Adds insulin and other hormones to the bloodstream
  1. Stomach
  2. Teeth
  3. Tongue
  4. Gallbladder
  5. Pancreas
  1. Gallbladder
  2. Liver
  3. Pancreas
  4. Stomach
  5. Large intestine
  1. Absorption
  2. Peristalsis
  3. Propulsion
  4. Segmentation

Dozent des Vortrages Digestive System: Functions and Organs (Nursing)

 Jasmine Clark, PhD

Jasmine Clark, PhD

Dr. Jasmine Clark is a Lecturer of Microbiology, Human Anatomy and Physiology at the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University, Georgia, USA.
She obtained her Doctoral Degree in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics from Emory University’s Laney Graduate School in 2013. Currently, she is a Senior Clinical Instructor in Nursing in Atlanta.
Due to her experience, in the academic year 2020-2021, she was part of the GA Governor’s Teaching Fellows Program.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Clark teaches courses on Nursing, specifically Physiology.


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