Learning at work (part 1) von Michael Schmitz

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Learning at work (part 1)“ von Michael Schmitz ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Success Factors at Work“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Expertise: Why are some people great?
  • The decisive factor: Deliberate Practice
  • Deliberate Practice: 4 Factors
  • Foundational Skills: Delayed Satisfaction
  • Foundational Skills: Self-Efficacy
  • Foundational Skills: Internal Locus of Control
  • Real and ideal learning curve
  • Attention is everything

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. It is developed to train a specific weakness.
  2. It is developed to train a specific strength.
  3. Repetition is possible.
  4. Feedback is available.
  5. It is mentally challenging.
  1. Imagine the passive (abstract, cold) attributes of the useless activity, then focus on the active (hot, immediate) attributes of the useful activity.
  2. Imagine the passive (abstract, cold) attributes of the useful activity, then focus on the active (hot, immediate) attributes of the useless activity.
  3. Imagine the passive (abstract, cold) attributes of the useful activity, then focus on the active (hot, immediate) attributes a non-related activity.
  4. Just focus, there is no need for mind tricks.
  1. I can increase the chances of reaching my goals by putting effort into it, just like I can increase the chance of a good result through hard work.
  2. I cannot increase the chances of reaching my goals by putting effort into it, just like I cannot increase the chance of a good result through hard work.
  3. other people can judge me and encourage me to perform.
  4. I can complete tasks if others can help me to become self-efficient.
  1. Mine. And it is my responsibility as well. So if I want, I can learn from this and make sure it does not happen again.
  2. It is probably the fire department's fault - I told them about the leaky pipes below my desk!
  3. Fate has decreed that this desk has to go. There is no fault, only acceptance.
  4. It is nobody’s fault or responsibility.
  1. Deliberate practice
  2. Self-analysis
  3. Delayed satisfaction
  4. Self-efficacy
  5. Internal locus of control
  1. Support from others
  2. Deliberate Practice
  3. Motivation
  4. Genetic factors
  1. The ideal learning curve is smooth and one always makes progress. In contrast, the realistic curve is irregular and sometimes, one does not make any progress at all.
  2. The ideal learning curve is irregular and one does not always make progress. In contrast, the realistic curve is smooth and one always makes progress.
  3. There are no differences.
  4. Both learning curves are smooth but in the realistic curve one does not always make progress.

Dozent des Vortrages Learning at work (part 1)

 Michael Schmitz

Michael Schmitz

Michael Schmitz ist der Gründer von Artefact Consulting und führt Trainings für Universitäten und Firmen weltweit durch. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Trainer und Dozent ist er Buchautor von "Elitestudent - Wie werde ich besser als der Durchschnitt" und Geschäftsführer eines Netzwerks für Elitestudenten (Elitestudent-Deutschland.de). Vor seiner Selbstständigkeit hat er für die Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt und London gearbeitet und war mit globalen Managementaufgaben und Bankenintegrationsprojekten beschäftigt. Michael Schmitz schloss seine Studien an der Rotterdam School of Management und der Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen mit einem Master of Science in International Management und einem weiteren Master, dem CEMS Master in International Management, ab. Er hat einen Bachelor of Science in International Business von der Universität Maastricht und der BI Norwegian School of Management in Oslo.


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Auszüge aus dem Begleitmaterial

... 2. Understanding attention 3. Learning curve 4. Neuroscience 1. Neurons: Becoming a better professional 2. Memory: Making connections ...

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