First business meeting in China von Lecturio GmbH

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „First business meeting in China“ von Lecturio GmbH ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Intercultural Competence: China“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Greetings occur according to hierarchy. The highest-ranking and the eldest in a group are greeted first. In China there is no “ladies first”.
  2. First of all greet all of the ladies present. After that you turn to the highest ranking.
  3. Staff members with the same hierarchical rank greet each other. As the highest in rank you may give your hand only to the boss of the Chinese delegation.
  4. Women greet each other first; the men wait their turn.
  1. In China there is a motto: “The better the friendship, the better the business deals”, so a lot of energy is invested in building up good personal relationships particularly in the initial stages of approaching a business deal.
  2. In China there is the motto: “The better the business deals, the better the friendship”: first a lot of energy in invested in good business deals, then that is celebrated by many dinners.
  3. The Chinese are very patriotic and want to be sure you see as much as possible of their beautiful country.
  4. The Chinese are fond of celebrating and like to take advantage of opportunities to spend a few entertaining evenings with visitors from other countries.

Dozent des Vortrages First business meeting in China

 Lecturio GmbH

Lecturio GmbH

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