Influenza: Risk Factors and Complications (Nursing) von Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Influenza: Risk Factors and Complications (Nursing)“ von Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Year 2, Semester 1 (Philippines Nursing Curriculum)“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Clients 65 years old and over
  2. Clients who are obese
  3. Clients with a history of HIV
  4. Clients between the ages of 12-17
  5. Clients with a history of urinary tract infections
  1. "Your weakened immune system is not as strong to fight the virus."
  2. "Chemotherapy medication mask flu symptoms so you may not know if you have it"
  3. "If you get influenza it could kill you."
  4. "Influenza is only dangerous for you if you don't get medical attention."
  1. Their immune systems are not as developed
  2. They have preexisting cardiac conditions
  3. They have undeveloped lungs
  4. They have a reduced cough reflex

Dozent des Vortrages Influenza: Risk Factors and Complications (Nursing)

 Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

Dr. Rhonda Lawes is a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE), and an Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma College of Nursing in Oklahoma, USA.
She obtained her PhD in Educational Psychology from Oklahoma State University in 2016.
Due to her achievements, she has earned numerous teaching awards. She teaches nursing students how to use the science of cognitive learning to maximize their study effectiveness.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Lawes is the Director of Nursing Education Programs, and teaches courses on Pharmacology (Nursing), Medical Surgical Nursing and Pathophysiology.


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