Vitamin A: Steps in Light Detection von Kevin Ahern, PhD

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Vitamin A: Steps in Light Detection“ von Kevin Ahern, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Year 1 – Term 2 – Basic Principles of Medicine II – Endocrinology and Reproduction“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Retinal converts to the all-trans form.
  2. cGMP phosphodiesterase converts GMP to cGMP.
  3. cGMP causes ion channels to close.
  4. Retinal converts to the all-cis form.
  5. A g-protein called transducin is inactivated.
  1. cGMP phosphodiesterase is activated.
  2. Transducin binds to opsin.
  3. Ion channel gates close.
  4. This process causes depolarization.
  5. Calcium gates open.
  1. Transducin (G-protein)
  2. Na ion pump
  3. K ion pump
  4. Rhodopsin
  5. Photopsin
  1. In the excited state, a retina cell is hyperpolarized, whereas other nerve cells are depolarized with excitation.
  2. In the excited state, a retina cell becomes hypopolarized, whereas other nerve cells get hyperpolarized.
  3. Retina cells are not sensitive to photons.
  4. The nerve cells send a signal by blocking the activity of rhodopsin proteins, whereas in retina cells the signal is communicated to the brain via photopsin protein disintegration.
  5. When a retina cell receives a photon, the neurotransmitter is released.

Dozent des Vortrages Vitamin A: Steps in Light Detection

 Kevin Ahern, PhD

Kevin Ahern, PhD

Dr. Kevin Ahern is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Oregon State University (OSU), USA.
He obtained his PhD in Biochemistry from Oregon State University. Currently, he teaches courses for health sciences students at OSU.
He is co-author of three Open Educational electronic textbooks on Biochemistry and a Guide to Getting Into Medical School.
Due to his achievements, he earned OSU’s highest teaching recognition, the Elizabeth P. Ritchie Distinguished Professor Award in 2017.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Ahern teaches courses on Biochemistry and on "How to Get into Medical School”.


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von Gael P. am 04. Dezember 2022 für Vitamin A: Steps in Light Detection

easy and complete explanation for a complex topic, you're the best!

vitamin a
von shahryar p. am 17. Juni 2020 für Vitamin A: Steps in Light Detection

rate of speech is good and i understanded the subject he explains it very simple

great lecture
von Lan W. am 27. Oktober 2019 für Vitamin A: Steps in Light Detection

appreciate very the mechanism described in this lecture. Very informative and easy to understand

awesome lecture
von Saurav R. am 16. Mai 2018 für Vitamin A: Steps in Light Detection

really helpful i never found this data in any of my textbooks
