Talking to the Older Adult about Sexuality: Practice and Patient Perspectives von Kimberly Posey, AGPCNP-BC, DNP, PhD, GS-C

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Talking to the Older Adult about Sexuality: Practice and Patient Perspectives“ von Kimberly Posey, AGPCNP-BC, DNP, PhD, GS-C ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Crucial Conversations in Gerontology“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Ask all patients about sexual preferences without assumptions and demonstrate acceptance
  2. Wait for patients to volunteer information about orientation
  3. Refer LGBTQ+ patients to specialists
  4. Focus only on medical concerns
  5. Avoid discussing sexuality with older LGBTQ+ adults
  1. Address potential vaginal atrophy and lubrication needs while being inclusive
  2. Focus only on STI prevention
  3. Assume hormone replacement is needed
  4. Recommend only psychological counseling
  5. Defer all care to specialists
  1. Include sexual history as standard practice without making assumptions about preferences or behaviors
  2. Discuss sexuality only if the patient initiates
  3. Focus exclusively on medical concerns
  4. Limit questions to relationship status
  5. Address only with married patients

Dozent des Vortrages Talking to the Older Adult about Sexuality: Practice and Patient Perspectives

 Kimberly Posey, AGPCNP-BC, DNP, PhD, GS-C

Kimberly Posey, AGPCNP-BC, DNP, PhD, GS-C

Dr. Kim Posey is the Director of Graduate Nursing and an Associate Professor of Professional Practice at Texas Christian University.

She has achieved dual doctoral status, holding both a Ph.D. and a DNP in nursing. She is dual certified as an Advanced Adult Nurse Practitioner and Gerontological Nurse Practitioner and holds a certification in nursing education. As a Gerontological Specialist certified by the Gerontology Nursing Certification Commission she is recognized as an APRN who possesses expert knowledge, experience, and skill in managing the complex health needs of older adults. In addition to this impressive educational background, she maintains active clinical practice with adult and geriatrics patients in the primary care area.

At Lecturio, Dr. Posey teaches Gerontology for the advanced practice nurse.


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