Role of Platelets in Hemostasis von Richard Mitchell, MD, PhD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Role of Platelets in Hemostasis“ von Richard Mitchell, MD, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Hemostasis“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. GPIb
  2. Collagen
  3. Fibrin
  4. GPIIb-IIIa
  5. ADP receptor
  1. Activates other platelets
  2. Activates GPIIb/IIIa for aggregation
  3. Helps the platelets bind to each other through fibrinogen
  4. Helps intracellular signaling
  5. Forms hemostatic plug
  1. ...adenosine triphosphate.
  2. ...transforming growth factor beta.
  3. ...platelet-derived growth factor.
  4. ...platelet factor 4.
  5. ...von Willebrand factor.

Dozent des Vortrages Role of Platelets in Hemostasis

 Richard Mitchell, MD, PhD

Richard Mitchell, MD, PhD

Dr. Richard N. Mitchell is the Lawrence J. Henderson Professor of Pathology and Health Sciences and Technology, at Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts, USA.

He obtained his PhD in Cell Biology and Immunology from Rockefeller University in 1980, and his MD from Harvard Medical School in 1984. Currently, he is Program Director of the Health Sciences and Technology Education and Curriculum at Harvard Medical School.

Due to his achievements, he earned the ASIP Robbins Distinguished Educator Award in 2013.

Within Lecturio, Dr. Mitchell teaches courses on Pathology.


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Empathetic teacher!
von Tamdeeh F. am 06. November 2021 für Role of Platelets in Hemostasis

Dr.Mitchell is very reassuring to students learning this daunting topic. I followed his advice and re-watched the videos as well as keeping the big picture in mind for each step. Now I finally can understand and find this to be very interesting to learn!