Complement Deficiencies – Primary Immunodeficiency von Peter Delves, PhD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Complement Deficiencies – Primary Immunodeficiency“ von Peter Delves, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „NCM 112 Care of Clients with Problems in Oxygenation, Fluid and Electrolytes, Inflammatory and Immunologic Response, and Cellular Aberrations (Philippines Nursing Curriculum)“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Complement Deficiencies
  • Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
  • Hereditary Angioedema

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Neisseria meningitidis
  2. Streptococcus pneumoniae
  3. Staphylococcus aureus
  4. Escherichia coli
  5. Candida albicans
  1. C5
  2. C3
  3. C1
  4. C2
  5. C4
  1. CD55 and CD59
  2. CD1 and CD2
  3. CD3 and CD4
  4. CD5-9
  5. CD35 and CD46

Dozent des Vortrages Complement Deficiencies – Primary Immunodeficiency

 Peter Delves, PhD

Peter Delves, PhD

Dr. Peter Delves is a Professor Emeritus of Immunology and served as the Vice Dean of Education of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at University College London, UK.
He obtained his PhD at the University of London and is a prolific author, having published several textbooks and laboratory manuals. He is also the editor of two encyclopedias on immunology and on life sciences.
Dr. Delves has extensive teaching experience at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and is particularly interested in innovations in web-based education.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Delves teaches courses on the Immune System.


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Good overview
von Alessandra Maria C. am 03. Juli 2023 für Complement Deficiencies – Primary Immunodeficiency

I really like the professor, just wish the lecture was a bit more in depth