Diabetic Case: 47-year-old Woman with Pain on Urination, Frequent Urination, and Urine Urgency von Michael Lazarus, MD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Diabetic Case: 47-year-old Woman with Pain on Urination, Frequent Urination, and Urine Urgency“ von Michael Lazarus, MD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Year 4 – Selective Sub-Internship“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Plasma glucose level after a 2-hour 75-g oral glucose tolerance test result of greater than or equal to 200 mg/dL
  2. Fasting plasma glucose level of 100–125 mg/dL
  3. Random plasma glucose level of 140–199 mg/dL
  4. C-peptide level greater than twice the upper limit of normal
  5. Anti-islet cell antibodies
  1. 6.5%
  2. 8.0%
  3. 5.7%
  4. 9.0%
  5. 5.5%
  1. Recheck HbA1c to confirm the diagnosis (>6.5%)
  2. Order fasting glucose test (with a repeat test to confirm level > 126 mg/dL)
  3. Order random glucose test (with a repeat test to confirm level > 200 mg/dL)
  4. Perform postprandial glucose test (to check for level > 200 mg/dL)

Dozent des Vortrages Diabetic Case: 47-year-old Woman with Pain on Urination, Frequent Urination, and Urine Urgency

 Michael Lazarus, MD

Michael Lazarus, MD

Dr. Michael Lazarus is a Professor of Clinical Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
He obtained his MD from the University of the Witwatersrand School of Health Sciences, South Africa, and trained at the Washington University School of Medicine. In 2003, he joined the faculty at UCLA and currently serves as the Medical Director of the UCLA Hospitalist Section.
He has won various teaching awards, such as the Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award, and was featured in the Los Angeles Magazine's Top Doctors Guide in 2021.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Lazarus teaches courses on Endocrinology.


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von Oshiro C. am 09. Mai 2020 für Diabetic Case: 47-year-old Woman with Pain on Urination, Frequent Urination, and Urine Urgency

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