Klinischer Fall: 72-jährige Frau mit verändertem Bewusstseinszustand von Amy Sussman, MD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Klinischer Fall: 72-jährige Frau mit verändertem Bewusstseinszustand“ von Amy Sussman, MD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „2. und 3. Staatsexamen (M2/M3) Komplettkurs“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Patient C presents to the emergency department after a motor vehicle collision. Surgery is performed for splenic laceration, with an estimated blood loss of 1,500 mL. On postoperative day 1, the patient has newly elevated creatinine and BUN levels.
  2. Patient A presents to the clinic for a routine evaluation with a complaint of fatigue. There is a history of spinal cord injury causing urinary retention, and creatinine and BUN levels are chronically elevated.
  3. Patient B presents to the endocrine clinic for a diabetes check-up. A recent HbA1c value was 10.4%, and the patient is noncompliant with insulin use. Creatinine and BUN levels are chronically elevated.
  4. Patient D presents to the clinic for a routine evaluation. The patient is training for a 10 km run and has been using 2,000 mg paracetamol daily for 4 weeks to help with soreness. Creatinine and BUN levels are chronically elevated.

Dozent des Vortrages Klinischer Fall: 72-jährige Frau mit verändertem Bewusstseinszustand

 Amy Sussman, MD

Amy Sussman, MD

Dr. Amy Sussman is an Associate Professor of Medicine and the Vice Chair of Education in the Department of Medicine of the University of Arizona (UA), USA.
She obtained her MD from the University of Arizona in 2001 and completed residency and a Nephrology Fellowship at the University of Washington. Dr. Sussman was recruited back to the UA in 2009 and also serves as her department's clerkship director, and as the program director of the UA Nephrology Fellowship.
Because of her strong emphasis on medical student teaching, she has been distinguished with multiple teaching awards in the UA College of Medicine.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Sussman teaches courses on Nephrology.


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