Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas and Spleen Development von Peter Ward, PhD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas and Spleen Development“ von Peter Ward, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Development of the Abdominopelvic Region“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. It develops as a secondary out-pouching of the liver bud and grows into the ventral mesentery.
  2. During the 3rd week, the hepatic diverticulum extends off the foregut and grows into the mesoderm of ventral mesentery and septum transversum to become the gallbladder.
  3. A dorsal and ventral gallbladder and cystic bud extend separately from nearby gut tube inferior to the stomach.
  4. It is derived from mesenchymal cells which are found between layers of the dorsal mesogastrium.
  5. The connection between the hepatic diverticulum and the gallbladder will become the hepatic duct.
  1. The rotation of the stomach brings the ventral pancreas posterior to the duodenum, allowing the dorsal and ventral pancreatic buds to fuse.
  2. The pancreas rotates independently of the stomach around week 3 allowing the dorsal and ventral buds to fuse.
  3. The pancreas develops as a secondary out-pouching from the hepatic diverticulum and grows into the ventral mesentery.
  4. The main pancreatic duct meets the duodenum through what was initially the dorsal pancreatic bud.
  5. The pancreas is derived from mesenchymal cells which are found between the layers of the dorsal mesogastrium.
  1. Migration of the ventral pancreas both anteriorly and posteriorly, leading to annular pancreas
  2. Hartman’s pouch
  3. Non-bilious emesis
  4. Pyloric stenosis
  5. Failure of migration of the dorsal pancreatic bud
  1. Phrygian cap
  2. Absence of entire extrahepatic duct system
  3. Atresia of bile duct
  4. Accessory bile duct
  5. Choledochal cyst

Dozent des Vortrages Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas and Spleen Development

 Peter Ward, PhD

Peter Ward, PhD

Dr. Peter J. Ward is a Professor of Gross Anatomy at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine in West Virginia, USA.
He obtained his PhD in Medical Anatomy Education from Purdue University in 2005. Currently, he is a respected teacher and researcher in the fields of anatomy, histology, embryology, neuroscience and approaches to learning and teaching.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Ward teaches courses on Embryology.


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von Rafael G. am 13. Juli 2018 für Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas and Spleen Development

excelent very clear and educational i love it a must, i would see it again