Endocrine Pancreas and Control of Insulin – Endocrine Pancreatic Hormones von Carlo Raj, MD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Endocrine Pancreas and Control of Insulin – Endocrine Pancreatic Hormones“ von Carlo Raj, MD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Endocrinology: Foundations“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Delta cells
  2. Alpha cells
  3. Beta cells
  4. PP cells
  5. F cells
  1. C-peptide
  2. Glucagon
  3. Proinsulin
  4. Somatostatin
  5. Fasting serum glucose
  1. Opening of Ca2+ channels
  2. Glucose oxidation to ADP
  3. Efflux of K+
  4. Opening of K+ channels
  5. GLUT 4 receptors bind to glucose
  1. By closing the K+ channels in a beta cell
  2. By preventing depolarization in a beta cell
  3. By preventing the release of glucagon from alpha cells
  4. By the closing of Ca2+ channels in beta cells
  5. By decreasing the sensitivity of GLUT 2 receptors

Dozent des Vortrages Endocrine Pancreas and Control of Insulin – Endocrine Pancreatic Hormones

 Carlo Raj, MD

Carlo Raj, MD

Dr. Carlo Raj is a Physician and Lecturer at Becker’s Healthcare, in Illinois, USA, and the CEO and founder of Indus Intellect Virtual MedEd, a medical education consulting company.
He obtained his MD from Medical University of the Americas (MUA) and is an international lecturer and public speaker.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Raj teaches courses on Pathology.


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von Javier J. am 03. Mai 2021 für Endocrine Pancreas and Control of Insulin – Endocrine Pancreatic Hormones

Buena explicación introductoria, integra la explicación con farmacología, buena clase