Control of Adult Male Hormonal Secretion von Carlo Raj, MD

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Control of Adult Male Hormonal Secretion“ von Carlo Raj, MD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Endocrinology: Foundations“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. GnRH
  2. Inhibin B
  3. FSH
  4. LH
  5. Testosterone
  1. Cell: Leydig cells Hormone: inhibin B
  2. Cell: Sertoli cells Function: spermatogenesis
  3. Cell: Leydig cells Hormone: testosterone
  4. Cell: Sertoli cells Hormone: FSH
  5. Cell: Leydig cells Hormone: LH
  1. Testosterone moves through an active channel to cross the blood-testis barrier.
  2. The intratesticular concentration of testosterone is 50 times the peripheral concentration.
  3. Testosterone is produced by Leydig cells under the control of LH.
  4. Testosterone can be kept inside Sertoli cells by binding to ABP.
  5. Testosterone can be converted by 5-alpha-reductase into DHT.
  1. The amount of testosterone and sperm produced by the testes is dependent on the influence of FSH alone.
  2. Blocking of 5-alpha-reductase enzyme is used to treat some diseases where DHT can cause or potentiate the disease.
  3. FSH controls the spermatogenesis process by Sertoli cells.
  4. Testosterone will be kept inside Sertoli cells and affect the maturation process of spermatogenesis.
  5. Inhibin B exerts a negative feedback on the production of FSH.

Dozent des Vortrages Control of Adult Male Hormonal Secretion

 Carlo Raj, MD

Carlo Raj, MD

Dr. Carlo Raj is a Physician and Lecturer at Becker’s Healthcare, in Illinois, USA, and the CEO and founder of Indus Intellect Virtual MedEd, a medical education consulting company.
He obtained his MD from Medical University of the Americas (MUA) and is an international lecturer and public speaker.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Raj teaches courses on Pathology.


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Very clear explanation
von Laura A. am 07. Oktober 2018 für Control of Adult Male Hormonal Secretion

Doctor Raj is very clear in his explanations. This has helped a lot.
