Infective Endocarditis (IE): Pathology von John Fisher, MD

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Infective Endocarditis (IE): Pathology“ von John Fisher, MD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Year 3 – Internal Medicine“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Colon cancer
  2. Lung abscess
  3. Diabetes
  4. Urinary tract infection
  5. Dental abscess
  1. Cardiac endothelial damage
  2. Valvular prolapse
  3. Congenital heart defect
  4. A history of intravascular catheterization
  5. Degenerative valvular disease
  1. Dextran
  2. Cillia
  3. Intracellular proteins
  4. Vacuole excretions
  5. Cell membrane phospholipids
  1. Fibrin and platelet matrices
  2. White blood cells and bacteria
  3. Antigen-antibody complexes
  4. Red blood cells and myocytes
  5. Cholesterol plaques

Dozent des Vortrages Infective Endocarditis (IE): Pathology

 John Fisher, MD

John Fisher, MD

Dr. John F. Fisher is a Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases at the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University in the USA.
He obtained his medical degree from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine in 1969. He is a Master of the American College of Physicians (MACP) and is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in Medicine and Infectious Diseases.
Due to his achievements, he has earned the Annual J. Willis Hurst Teaching Award, the Jane F. Deforges Excellence in Medical Education Award, and the Infectious Diseases Society of America's Clinical Teacher Award.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Fisher teaches courses on Infectious Diseases.


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I would love if the focus were the inflammatory mediators, to give an information more solid
von Javier V. am 22. April 2019 für Infective Endocarditis (IE): Pathology

Its a really nice summary of what do any doctor needs to know to be prepare in the mission of infront the pathology
