Arteries and Veins: Structure and Characteristics von Richard Mitchell, MD, PhD

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Arteries and Veins: Structure and Characteristics“ von Richard Mitchell, MD, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Cardiology: Foundations“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Tunica intima
  2. Tunica media
  3. Internal elastic membrane
  4. Tunica adventitia
  5. External elastic membrane
  1. Adventitia - loose connective tissue that contains nerve fibers and the vasa vasorum
  2. Intima - all vessels have the same gene expression profile for this layer
  3. Media - the single layer of cells that is directly adjacent to blood flow
  4. Endothelium - circular muscle layer that aids in vasoconstriction
  5. External elastic membrane - the major muscular component of both veins and arteries
  1. The amount of tissue in each layer is greater in arteries.
  2. The capacitance of the arterial lumen is greater.
  3. Veins have two main layers, while arteries have three.
  4. The tunica media of arteries is not as well organized as the tunica media of veins.
  1. It allows the arterial system to be a high-pressure system and the venous system to be a high-capacitance system.
  2. It allows the arterial system to be a low-pressure system and the venous system to be a low- capacitance system.
  3. It allows the arterial system to be a high-pressure system and the venous system to be a low- capacitance system.
  4. It allows the arterial system to be a low-pressure system and the venous system to be a high- capacitance system.
  5. It allows the arterial system to be a high-capacitance system and the venous system to be a high-pressure system.

Dozent des Vortrages Arteries and Veins: Structure and Characteristics

 Richard Mitchell, MD, PhD

Richard Mitchell, MD, PhD

Dr. Richard N. Mitchell is the Lawrence J. Henderson Professor of Pathology and Health Sciences and Technology, at Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts, USA.

He obtained his PhD in Cell Biology and Immunology from Rockefeller University in 1980, and his MD from Harvard Medical School in 1984. Currently, he is Program Director of the Health Sciences and Technology Education and Curriculum at Harvard Medical School.

Due to his achievements, he earned the ASIP Robbins Distinguished Educator Award in 2013.

Within Lecturio, Dr. Mitchell teaches courses on Pathology.


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Well done lecturer
von Lopentz U. am 20. März 2023 für Arteries and Veins: Structure and Characteristics

The lecturer did a great job explaining the anatomy of the heart, and with ease too.

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