Boundaries of the Inguinal Canal – Inguinal Region von James Pickering, PhD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Boundaries of the Inguinal Canal – Inguinal Region“ von James Pickering, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Abdomen [Archive]“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Roof and posterior wall
  2. Roof and floor
  3. Anterior and posterior wall
  4. Floor and anterior wall
  5. Roof and anterior wall
  1. Lacunar ligament
  2. Conjoint tendon
  3. Medial crus of external oblique
  4. Inguinal ligament
  5. Transversalis fascia

Dozent des Vortrages Boundaries of the Inguinal Canal – Inguinal Region

 James Pickering, PhD

James Pickering, PhD

Dr. James Pickering is a Professor of Anatomical Education at the University of Leeds, UK.
He obtained his PhD from the University of Leeds in 2019. Currently, he undertakes and publishes research within the areas of anatomy education, digital education, and curriculum design and evaluation.
Due to his achievements, he earned the University of Leeds Teaching Award and was named The Most Innovative Teacher of the Year 2014 and Learning Technologist of the Year 2014.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Pickering teaches courses on Anatomy.


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von Varshaa J. am 22. März 2022 für Boundaries of the Inguinal Canal – Inguinal Region

love sirs method of teaching , the 3D model really helps me better understand the concept

Highly recommended
von Mishik H. am 09. Mai 2020 für Boundaries of the Inguinal Canal – Inguinal Region

Dear Dr. Pickering, you do a great work by explaining this difficult topics in such an easy way. Thank you for so interesting lectures.

The list is very disorganised.
von Abdullah A. am 08. November 2019 für Boundaries of the Inguinal Canal – Inguinal Region

The list is very disorganised, I hope it get fixed ASAP

von Karen B. am 08. Juni 2018 für Boundaries of the Inguinal Canal – Inguinal Region

Wish I had known about this website sooner:( I hope all the lectures here are like this.