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Basic Principles of Fracture Evaluation and Care (LMU OMS 2 Fall Musculoskeletal System Week 4)

Von Kevin Pei, MD, Hetal Verma, MD

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  • Enthaltene Vorträge: 4
  • Laufzeit: 0:25 h
  • Enthaltene Quizfragen: 11
  • Enthaltene Lernmaterialien: 3

Dozenten des Kurses Basic Principles of Fracture Evaluation and Care (LMU OMS 2 Fall Musculoskeletal System Week 4)

 Kevin Pei, MD

Kevin Pei, MD

Dr. Kevin Pei is the Associate Chief Academic Research Officer and the Program Director of the General Surgery Residency at Parkview Health, in Indiana, USA.
After his residency at George Washington University, he was the Assistant Professor of Surgery at Yale School of Medicine for several years and obtained an additional Master's Degree in Education from Yale University.
He is an experienced educator and has received various teaching awards. In 2018, the Association for Surgical Education granted him the prestigious Philip J. Wolfson Outstanding Educator Award.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Pei teaches courses on Surgery.

 Hetal Verma, MD

Hetal Verma, MD

Dr. Hetal Verma is a Clinical Instructor of Radiology and the Co-Director of the Radiology Cambridge Integrated Clerkship at Harvard Medical School, MA, USA.
She is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Medical School and completed her Breast Imaging fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Since 2012, she is the Director of Breast Imaging at Cambridge Health Alliance Radiology, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School.
She is passionate about women's health and has vast experience in teaching medical students and residents at Harvard Medical School.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Verma teaches courses on Radiology.


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von Cerys C. am 27. Januar 2021 für What is a Fracture?

everything is well explained and organised. it isn't overcomplicated and is very well taught

Great overview
von Agnes L. am 06. Februar 2017 für Femoral Neck Fracture

Very good overview of this topic, with highlight on serious pathology and management