Altered Mental Status (AMS): History von Sharon Bord, MD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Altered Mental Status (AMS): History“ von Sharon Bord, MD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Neurologic and Psychiatric Emergencies“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Approach to Altered Mental Status: History
  • Approach to Altered Mental Status: Examination
  • Approach to Altered Mental Status: Diagnosis

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Level of education
  2. Similar symptoms in the family
  3. Substance use
  4. Time of onset
  5. Current medications
  1. Sepsis
  2. Intracranial injury
  3. Heart failure
  4. Renal failure
  5. Hypoxia
  1. Hyperpigmented
  2. Dry
  3. Pale
  4. Clammy
  5. Warm
  1. Quick confusion score
  2. CAGE questionnaire
  3. Social interaction anxiety scale
  4. Brief impairment scale
  5. McMaster general functioning scale
  1. Ammonia
  2. Creatinine
  3. Oxalate
  4. Alkaline phosphatase
  5. Bile acids

Dozent des Vortrages Altered Mental Status (AMS): History

 Sharon Bord, MD

Sharon Bord, MD

Dr. Sharon Bord is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Maryland, USA.
She obtained her MD at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in 2004 and then completed residency training at Boston Medical Center.
She has a focus on both undergraduate and graduate medical education, and is a member of the Teaching College, a group of faculty members in the Department of Emergency Medicine dedicated to educational endeavors for residents and medical students.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Bord teaches courses on Emergency Medicine.


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So useful
von Rodrigo C. am 27. Oktober 2019 für Altered Mental Status (AMS): History

I can see that she has a lot of experience with this kind of patients.