Acute Neck Injury: Management von Charles Vega, MD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Acute Neck Injury: Management“ von Charles Vega, MD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Acute Care“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. 50%
  2. Less than 1%
  3. 5–10%
  4. Greater than 95%
  5. 75%
  1. Acetaminophen
  2. Opiates
  3. Ibuprofen
  4. Naproxen
  5. Low-dose corticosteroids

Dozent des Vortrages Acute Neck Injury: Management

 Charles Vega, MD

Charles Vega, MD

Dr. Charles Vega is the Health Sciences Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at the University of California, Irvine in California, USA.
He obtained his Medical Degree from the University of Wisconsin, and completed residency training in Family Medicine at UC Irvine. Currently, he is the Executive Director of UCI’s Program in Medical Education for the Latino Community.
Due to his achievements, he earned a Macy Faculty Scholarship to improve patient-centered health education at UCI.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Vega teaches courses on Family Medicine.


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