Interventions and Assessment for BPSD: Practical Guide by Kimberly Posey, AGPCNP-BC, DNP, PhD, GS-C

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About the Lecture

The lecture Interventions and Assessment for BPSD: Practical Guide by Kimberly Posey, AGPCNP-BC, DNP, PhD, GS-C is from the course Management of Neurocognitive Conditions in the Older Adult (release in progress).

Included Quiz Questions

  1. 46-56%
  2. 25-35%
  3. 62-72%
  4. 13-23%
  5. 81-91%
  1. A single dose of a benzodiazepine
  2. Vitamin supplements
  3. Probiotics
  4. Topical medications
  5. Herbal remedies
  1. Rule out delirium and medical causes, assess comfort, try non-pharmacological interventions before medications
  2. Start antipsychotics immediately, then assess other causes
  3. Begin with restraints, then evaluate medical causes
  4. Start pain medication first, then assess other symptoms
  5. Immediately transfer to a higher level of care

Author of lecture Interventions and Assessment for BPSD: Practical Guide

 Kimberly Posey, AGPCNP-BC, DNP, PhD, GS-C

Kimberly Posey, AGPCNP-BC, DNP, PhD, GS-C

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