The Arabic Operation System von Lecturio GmbH

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „The Arabic Operation System“ von Lecturio GmbH ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Intercultural Competence: Arab Gulf States“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Direct your actions to the present moment. Make short term appointments. Gulf Arabs act in the here and now.
  2. Gulf Arabs tend to be passive and fold their hands in their lap. You have to make up for that with your own activity.
  3. Direct your actions to the future. Plan a long way ahead so your Gulf Arabian business partners can prepare themselves well.
  4. Make an exact analysis of past events to be able to deduce future developments.
  1. Gulf Arabs will often withdraw from a situation by referring to tomorrow. They are speculating that the future will bring new aspects that make God’s will clearer.
  2. In acute situations Gulf Arabs act without thinking it over. They rely on God directing things tomorrow.
  3. Gulf Arabs wait for a sign from God before they become active. We would equate much of that with superstition.
  4. Bukram is an Arab proverb: What you can take care of today, do not put off till tomorrow.

Dozent des Vortrages The Arabic Operation System

 Lecturio GmbH

Lecturio GmbH

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