Sexual Harassment: Basics for Managers (2023) von Lecturio Online Courses

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Sexual Harassment: Basics for Managers (2023)“ von Lecturio Online Courses ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Respect and Safety (2023)“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Make it clear to Hannah that she was right to come to her for help.
  2. Listen to Hannah and give her advice.
  3. Schedule one-on-one meetings with all parties involved.
  4. Explain to Hannah that Udo doesn't mean it.
  5. Advise Hannah to find another job.
  1. Missteps are identified more quickly.
  2. Young employees and employees on probation are more likely to raise issues.
  3. They can identify critical voices more quickly and issue warnings.
  4. A speak-up culture is not a good tool, it harms your company because it creates a more confrontational climate.
  1. Warning
  2. Transfer
  3. Termination
  4. Wage reduction
  5. Demotion

Dozent des Vortrages Sexual Harassment: Basics for Managers (2023)

 Lecturio Online Courses

Lecturio Online Courses

Lecturio provides sustainable, simple and cost-efficient continuing education and training to companies and private customers. The e-learning catalogue consists of more than 7000 video-based courses covering over 80 topics. The focus is on compliance, leadership, project management, distribution, and medicine. Most of private customers use Lecturio in parallel to their studies and to prepare for their exams in medicine and law. Lecturio provides practical video-based online training—in German and English. Thousands of quiz questions help to measure and assess the learning success. Lecturio courses are available on all devices—and even offline with the iOS and Android app. Lecturio’s mission is to help companies and private customers to develop their full potential.


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