Prevention of Corruption: Basics von Lecturio Online Courses

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Prevention of Corruption: Basics“ von Lecturio Online Courses ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Corruption – Prevention“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. 412 billion euros
  2. 18 billion euros
  3. 79 billion euros
  4. 221 billion euros
  1. Corruption occurs when a construction company gives money to a local politician, who then commissions the construction company to renovate a bridge.
  2. Corruption is the abuse of a public office or a function in the company.
  3. Corruption means as much as conspiracy, deceit and insidiousness.
  4. In the case of corruption, decisions are made on an economic and social basis.
  1. The company loses contact with the market and weakens its competitiveness.
  2. It may have consequences under criminal and labour law.
  3. The company experiences an acceleration of internationalisation.
  4. This gives the company a long-term competitive advantage by distorting the market.
  1. All persons who are in an official position under public law.
  2. All persons who fulfil public administration tasks.
  3. Exclusively all persons who have an official status.
  4. All persons who have worked for a public authority for at least 5 years.
  1. You give a customs officer a gift basket.
  2. You give a policeman a watch.
  3. You give a small powerbank with your company logo to a prospective customer at a trade fair.
  4. You invite a business partner to a moderately priced business lunch.
  1. Does the value correspond to the operationally defined framework?
  2. Could there be unethical ulterior motives behind the gift?
  3. Have you often received gifts from the same business partner?
  4. Can you give something similar in return?
  1. Stay alert and report any suspicious activity.
  2. Contact your superiors or compliance officer if you are unsure about anything.
  3. Always reflect on and question your own interests and those of others when it comes to gifts or other forms of gratuity.
  4. Be as transparent as possible and also share company information with other competitors.
  5. Avoid giving promotional gifts to prevent any suspicion.

Dozent des Vortrages Prevention of Corruption: Basics

 Lecturio Online Courses

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