Money Laundering: Duties, Precautionary Measures and Contact Persons (2023) von Lecturio Online Courses

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Money Laundering: Duties, Precautionary Measures and Contact Persons (2023)“ von Lecturio Online Courses ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Money Laundering (2023)“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. You comply with customer care obligations, reporting requirements, and documentation requirements.
  2. You hire a money laundering officer.
  3. You check your employees for their reliability and train them regularly.
  4. None. The prevention of money laundering is the task of the Financial Intelligence Units (FIU).
  1. Collect and evaluate suspicious activity reports
  2. Publish data in an annual report
  3. Provide information on money laundering
  4. Expose corruption
  1. You assign a person or department to prevent and educate about the detection of money laundering.
  2. You set up a special communication system.
  3. You are free to make your decision as you see fit.
  4. None. In Iceland, only companies in the financial sector are required to have control mechanisms.
  1. They implement and monitor regulations in the company to prevent or detect money laundering and terrorist financing.
  2. You set up a risk management system in your company.
  3. You distribute your company's high-value goods.
  4. They uncover terrorist financing.

Dozent des Vortrages Money Laundering: Duties, Precautionary Measures and Contact Persons (2023)

 Lecturio Online Courses

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