Learning at work (part 2): learning processes von Michael Schmitz

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Learning at work (part 2): learning processes“ von Michael Schmitz ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Success Factors at Work“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Neuroscience: Making connections
  • Short-term memory: 101010
  • Sport: The decision maker
  • Long term: Call 116
  • Sleep: The magic pill
  • The Power of Sleep: 90 Minutes
  • S1: Initiate recovery
  • S2: Repair motoric skills
  • S3&4: Clean-up and beauty work
  • REM: Long term skills and thinking

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Connections between Neurons start with Wave speed (15m/s) and can be upgraded to Saltatory speed (up to 40+ m/s).
  2. Connections between Neurons start with Wave speed (5m/s) and can be upgraded to Saltatory speed (up to 50+ m/s).
  3. Connections between Neurons start with Wave speed (10m/s) and can be upgraded to Saltatory speed (up to 60+ m/s).
  4. Connections between Neurons always work with the same speed.
  1. describes a learning rule that helps us to connect neurons with each other, using the chemical connection process very efficiently.
  2. describes the way information is stored inside our brain.
  3. explains how to connect various neurons, by using the chemical process in the fastest possible way.
  4. is a learning rule for our long term memory.
  1. Sleep enough.
  2. Create connections between neurons, and then upgrade them.
  3. Use the technique 101010.
  4. Repeat tasks again and again.
  1. By revising a material after 1 day, 1 week and 6 weeks, connection processes are initiated, additional connectors are grown and connections are made permanent.
  2. By revising a material after 1 day, 1 week and 6 weeks, connection processes are initiated, additional connectors are grown and connections are made temporary.
  3. By revising a material after 1 week, 1 month and 6 months, connection processes are initiated, additional connectors are grown and connections are made permanent.
  4. By revising a material after 1 day, 1 week and 6 weeks, connectors get lost.
  1. is created through Myelin and a process called LTP.
  2. depends only on the amount of time we have spent training or in lectures.
  3. is fairly complex to understand, but Myelin and 117 will help.
  4. is unchangeable and almost perfect once established with 116.
  1. form cycles of around 90 minutes, which repair our brain.
  2. are short and can be trained to be performed faster.
  3. form cycles that should result in about 8 hours of sleep each night.
  4. are difficult to understand and have very little impact on our performance.

Dozent des Vortrages Learning at work (part 2): learning processes

 Michael Schmitz

Michael Schmitz

Michael Schmitz ist der Gründer von Artefact Consulting und führt Trainings für Universitäten und Firmen weltweit durch. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Trainer und Dozent ist er Buchautor von "Elitestudent - Wie werde ich besser als der Durchschnitt" und Geschäftsführer eines Netzwerks für Elitestudenten (Elitestudent-Deutschland.de). Vor seiner Selbstständigkeit hat er für die Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt und London gearbeitet und war mit globalen Managementaufgaben und Bankenintegrationsprojekten beschäftigt. Michael Schmitz schloss seine Studien an der Rotterdam School of Management und der Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen mit einem Master of Science in International Management und einem weiteren Master, dem CEMS Master in International Management, ab. Er hat einen Bachelor of Science in International Business von der Universität Maastricht und der BI Norwegian School of Management in Oslo.


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