Facial expressions and gestures in China von Lecturio GmbH

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Facial expressions and gestures in China“ von Lecturio GmbH ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Intercultural Competence: China“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Smiling, laughing or even giggling in difficult situations is compensation for discomfort or stress.
  2. Smiling or laughing is a guarantee that your Chinese business partner is relaxed and welcomes your suggestions or ideas.
  3. During small talk at the beginning of a business discussion lots of jokes are told in China. Through laughing the business partners relax and the conversations run more smoothly.
  4. Laughing and smiling in China always mean friendliness and a good atmosphere. The Chinese do not let criticism or problems destroy their good mood.
  1. Your Chinese business partner drops his gaze and rarely looks you in the eye.
  2. Your Chinese business partner is giggling the whole time.
  3. Your Chinese business partner shrugs his shoulders instead of answering your questions.
  4. Your Chinese business partner stares at you with an unchangingly serious expression.

Dozent des Vortrages Facial expressions and gestures in China

 Lecturio GmbH

Lecturio GmbH

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