Export Control – Instruction von Lecturio Online Courses

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Export Control – Instruction“ von Lecturio Online Courses ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Export Control – Instruction“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Every good must be checked for export.
  2. Export control only takes place when weapons or armaments are involved.
  3. Foods are not subject to inspection.
  4. In the case of vehicles and drones, they must make a discretionary decision based on the dual control principle.
  1. To whom and where do you deliver?
  2. What do you supply and for what purpose?
  3. When and how do you deliver?
  4. How long and who delivers?
  1. Conventional armaments should not be distributed in an uncontrolled manner.
  2. Embargo measures should be observed.
  3. Money laundering is to be prevented.
  4. Cartels should be quickly recognised and prevented.
  1. If the artificial fertiliser can be used both as a fertiliser and for the production of explosives.
  2. If the artificial fertiliser can be used both for plant cultivation and for the production of chemical weapons.
  3. If the artificial fertiliser both fertilises the soil and combats plant pests.
  4. If the fertiliser can be used on several soils.
  5. If the fertiliser can be used several times.
  1. The export control activities are accurately and comprehensibly recorded.
  2. Process-related controls were carried out.
  3. The physical and technical security of the listed goods is ensured.
  4. You ensure that all information on the export goods is publicly available in order to guarantee transparent exports.
  5. You ensure that all export processes are carried out manually and that the technological impact is minimised.

Dozent des Vortrages Export Control – Instruction

 Lecturio Online Courses

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