Driving Electric Vehicles for Work von Lecturio Online Courses

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Driving Electric Vehicles for Work“ von Lecturio Online Courses ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Driving for Work – Instruction“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Electric cars accelerate quickly.
  2. Electric cars always have an automatic transmission.
  3. It's easy to miss hearing electric cars.
  4. Electric cars accelerate more slowly to save energy.
  5. Electric cars require a special driving licence.
  1. By driving with foresight.
  2. By using recuperation.
  3. By accelerating gently.
  4. By paying attention to the correct tire pressure.
  5. By turning off the cruise control.
  1. Eco mode
  2. Sport mode
  3. City mode
  4. Standard mode
  1. That the charging socket and the charging station are not contaminated and are undamaged.
  2. That there is no water residue (e.g. from rain).
  3. That the battery cools down beforehand.
  4. That the battery is completely empty.
  1. It extends the service life of the battery.
  2. The last 20 percent will last longer.
  3. This causes the car to accelerate faster.
  4. The last 20 percent are more expensive.
  1. You have already covered some distance and did not charge the battery via the fast-charging station (DC charging station) at the start of the journey.
  2. You drove straight to the fast-charging station around the corner.
  3. You make sure to only charge the battery up to 75 percent.
  4. You adjusted the charging of the car accordingly.
  1. Between 20 and 40 degrees Celsius.
  2. Between 10 and 20 degrees Celsius.
  3. Below 15 degrees Celsius.
  4. Over 50 degrees Celsius.
  1. Charging at a public AC charging station
  2. Fast charging at a DC charging station
  3. Charging via a normal household socket
  4. Charging at low temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius
  1. It entitles you to privileges in many cities, such as free parking.
  2. The privileges granted via the E-licence plate vary locally.
  3. The privileges only apply as long as road safety is not impaired.
  4. The licence plate allows you to park anywhere, e.g. in disabled parking spaces or parking spaces for women.
  1. Inspections of high-voltage systems, chargers and cables
  2. Replacing the gearbox
  3. Changing the oil in the engine
  4. Only cleaning the interior
  1. Electric cars have fewer complex mechanical parts, such as gearboxes or exhaust systems.
  2. Electric cars do not need brakes.
  3. Electric cars only need to be serviced every five years.
  4. Electric cars have no safety-relevant parts.

Dozent des Vortrages Driving Electric Vehicles for Work

 Lecturio Online Courses

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