Risk Management Offer by Simone Hoferer

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About the Lecture

The lecture Risk Management Offer by Simone Hoferer is from the course Risk Management (RM): Project Stage. It contains the following chapters:

  • The offer itself
  • Contract & legal systems
  • Preparation for negotiation
  • Risk perception
  • Assessment of risks
  • Check for signing contract

Included Quiz Questions

  1. The civil law is based on written laws and usually found in continental Europe. Contracts based on this legal system are much shorter than contracts based on the common law.
  2. The common law is a case based law and based on traditions, customs and law. It is used in Anglo-American cultures.
  3. The common law is a case based law and based on traditions, customs and law. It is used in Anglo-American cultures. Contracts based on this legal system are much shorter than contracts based on the civil law.
  4. The civil law is based on written laws and usually found in continental Europe. Contracts based on this legal system are significantly longer than contracts based on the common law.
  1. Content, scope of work, quality, quantity
  2. Context, correlation, inter-dependencies, course
  3. Costs
  4. Opportunities and risks
  5. Terms of withdrawal
  1. individual and influences actions, thinking and behaviour.
  2. non-personal and does not influence actions, thinking and behaviour.
  3. varies from country to country and should be considered before finalizing the quote.
  4. objective and should not be considered for communicating risks.
  1. they are influencing each other constantly.
  2. they are not influencing each other at all.
  3. only the factual is influencing the emotional assessment.
  4. only the emotional assessment is influencing the factual since emotional action shows up in statistics.

Author of lecture Risk Management Offer

 Simone Hoferer

Simone Hoferer

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Excerpts from the accompanying material

... 44 RM from inquiry to order: 2. planning/engineering 3. ...

... the quote, to prepare & increase bargaining chips for sales, to enable best possible offer in order to get the assignment ...

... RM: „I keep six honest men, they taught me all I knew; their names are what ...

... resources (material, humans). When? - Timetable, deadline, completion. Where? - Destination country, transit countries. *Compare with „the ...

... big, too complex, technically too tricky, too ambitious, misjudged. Country: political, legal, cultural, social, linguistical, logistical, overall security ...

... duties. A - Acceptable & Adequate > fair & ethically correct. R - Realistic > costs, duration, subject matter. ...

... composition: Use easy to understand language – no gobbledygook. Phrase as short as possible ...

... former colonies: *based on Stuart Bugg, barrister & counselor for English contract law Common Law: case law method = ...

... negotiation: Preferably high transparency regarding: content, scope of works, quality, quantity. Context, correlation, ...

... infuses action, thinking and behavior. Create personal references. Connect to experience ...

... 2 Risk perception - reality: „The risks that kill ...

... instinct -  intuition - facts - data - based on personal ...

... Check for signing contract: contract conditions - legal system - place of jurisdiction ...

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