Power Phrases and Danger Phrases for Difficult and Demanding People by Dan O'Connor

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About the Lecture

The lecture Power Phrases and Danger Phrases for Difficult and Demanding People by Dan O'Connor is from the course Executive Communication Training (EN). It contains the following chapters:

  • Power- and Danger Phrases for Difficult People
  • Positive Responses: E-Mails
  • Common Danger Phrases: "I Don't Know"
  • Common Danger Phrases: "I Know How You Feel "
  • Three-Line Verbal Patterns
  • Three-Line Verbal Pattern: A Secret

Included Quiz Questions

  1. My name is . . .
  2. I'm trying to . . .
  3. When you . . .I feel . . . because . . .
  4. Calm down
  1. the reason . . .
  2. I understand . . .
  3. so you can . . .
  4. are you trying to . . .
  1. benefit statment
  2. blacklight statement
  3. spotlight question
  4. empathy phrase
  1. They are not the only one who has felt/thought that way
  2. You empathize with them
  3. There is hope for them
  4. What the benefit is for them
  1. Asking them to do you a favor
  2. Doing a favor for them
  3. Getting them to tell you a secret
  4. Getting them to confess to you
  1. respect your message more
  2. discount what you're saying
  3. call you on your behavior
  4. tell you the truth

Author of lecture Power Phrases and Danger Phrases for Difficult and Demanding People

 Dan O'Connor

Dan O'Connor

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