Using Language Designed to Inspire and Motivate Your Audience by Dan O'Connor

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About the Lecture

The lecture Using Language Designed to Inspire and Motivate Your Audience by Dan O'Connor is from the course Executive Communication Training (EN). It contains the following chapters:

  • Using Language for Motivating Your Audience
  • Hook Your Audience Emotionally
  • Being More Convincing Giving a Presentation
  • Combine Punctuation and Emotion

Included Quiz Questions

  1. imagine or picture
  2. so that you . . .
  3. I understand . . .
  4. Do you hear . . .
  1. help the audience emotionally connect by painting picutres
  2. intensify your message
  3. evoke a memory
  4. help you decide between one thing and another
  1. generally distract from the message
  2. intensify your message
  3. evoke a sense
  4. help get the audience emotionally involved
  1. Are confirmation, closed-ended questions placed at the end of statements
  2. Help uncover objections
  3. Get people into a "no" momentum
  4. Help people visualize what it is you're saying
  1. They have said yes to you many times in the past
  2. They are emotionally involved
  3. You use pregnant pauses
  4. They use benefit language
  1. pregnant pause
  2. polar pause
  3. visualizer
  4. time-breaker

Author of lecture Using Language Designed to Inspire and Motivate Your Audience

 Dan O'Connor

Dan O'Connor

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