Style Stepping to Overcoming Conflicts and Avoid Misunderstandings by Dan O'Connor

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About the Lecture

The lecture Style Stepping to Overcoming Conflicts and Avoid Misunderstandings by Dan O'Connor is from the course Communication Training for Managers (EN). It contains the following chapters:

  • Using Style-Stepping and Avoid Conflicts
  • Form Effective Teams Based on Personality Style
  • The Five Languages of Love
  • Benefit Language
  • So that You... / So You Can...

Included Quiz Questions

  1. The analytical type
  2. The driver type
  3. The amiable type
  1. The driver
  2. The amiable
  3. The analytical
  4. The expressive
  1. Give them a new coffee mug
  2. Tell them how sorry you are--and make sure you have rehearsed it
  3. Wash their car during lunch time
  4. Give them a hug and tell them how sorry you are
  1. The way the other person wants to be treated
  2. The way the savvy communicator would like to be treated himself/herself.
  1. The right side
  2. The left side
  1. Your coworkers would appreciate it
  2. You'd be more likely to get that raise you want
  3. You'll learn a lot from it
  4. You''ll be seen as the professional I know you to be

Author of lecture Style Stepping to Overcoming Conflicts and Avoid Misunderstandings

 Dan O'Connor

Dan O'Connor

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Subtittles please
By Aldo R. on 20. May 2021 for Style Stepping to Overcoming Conflicts and Avoid Misunderstandings

I'd love subtittles please. Im a foreign and i'd understand a lot better