How to Keep Cool in Challenging Situations by Dan O'Connor

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About the Lecture

The lecture How to Keep Cool in Challenging Situations by Dan O'Connor is from the course Effective Communication in the Workplace (EN). It contains the following chapters:

  • Keeping Your Cool in Challenging Situations
  • Empathy Statements
  • Right-Brain- and Left-Brain-Language
  • Power Phrases to Deal with Emotional Persons
  • Thought Patterns to Deal with Challenging Situations
  • R-brained Approach to Thank You's
  • Hemisphere Switching Examples

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Emotion
  2. Their boss
  3. Logic
  1. The level of emotion.
  2. The body language.
  3. The words they use.
  1. Oh, that's too bad.
  2. Why would you feel that way?
  3. So you can save more money.
  4. You shouldn't feel that way.
  1. It's in the present.
  2. It's about me.
  3. We use the other person's name.
  1. The right
  2. The left
  3. Neither
  1. They are lying
  2. They are trying to remember
  3. They are processing the question

Author of lecture How to Keep Cool in Challenging Situations

 Dan O'Connor

Dan O'Connor

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