Handling Questions, Blackouts, and Other Public-Speaking Emergencies by Dan O'Connor

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About the Lecture

The lecture Handling Questions, Blackouts, and Other Public-Speaking Emergencies by Dan O'Connor is from the course Executive Communication Training (EN). It contains the following chapters:

  • Handling Questions, Blackouts, Emergencies
  • Handle Unexpected Questions
  • Tactics to Remember Where You Were
  • Tactics to Keep Audience Members Engaged
  • Key Messages You Want Others to Remember

Included Quiz Questions

  1. If I can . . . would you then . . .?
  2. When you . . . would you feel . . .?
  3. When you're ready to . . . I'll be ready to . . . .
  4. It's . . . isn't it?
  1. repeat the question
  2. validate the question
  3. use a pregnant pause
  4. Use a tag question
  1. confirm that you have answered or addressed the question
  2. get the audience to repeat the question
  3. ask a tag question
  4. deliver a benefit statement
  1. Help you remember your words when you have a blackout moment.
  2. Help you practice your closing line in the shower.
  3. Help convince the audience to say yes.
  4. Help paint a visual cue for the audience.
  1. closed-ended questions
  2. open-ended questions
  3. spotlight questions
  4. blacklight questions
  1. remember the information
  2. Paint a visual picture
  3. emotionally connect with your information
  4. be ready for more questions

Author of lecture Handling Questions, Blackouts, and Other Public-Speaking Emergencies

 Dan O'Connor

Dan O'Connor

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