Appearing to Always Have Just the Right Words by Dan O'Connor

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About the Lecture

The lecture Appearing to Always Have Just the Right Words by Dan O'Connor is from the course Executive Communication Training (EN). It contains the following chapters:

  • Appearing to Always Have Just the Right Words
  • The Importance of Public Speaking
  • The Freestyle Script
  • Planned Speech - Opening
  • Planned Speech - Ending

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Call for action
  2. Good-will phrase
  3. closing thought
  4. we-ve all phrase
  1. establish common ground
  2. State the obvious
  3. State something personal
  4. Close the speech
  1. Raise a glass
  2. Sing a song
  3. Wish them well
  4. Say a prayer
  1. Use a statistic
  2. Say, "Good morning!"
  3. Tell people to turn off their cell phones
  4. Introduce yourself
  1. Whenever possible
  2. If you're the closing speaker
  3. When you don't have anything prepared
  4. In a morning meeting
  1. right in the middle of your story; without any lead-in.
  2. As if you're sneaking up on someone
  3. When the audience is quiet and ready to listen
  4. At the beginning of your story

Author of lecture Appearing to Always Have Just the Right Words

 Dan O'Connor

Dan O'Connor

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