Antitrust Law: Prohibition and Exceptions (2023) by Lecturio Online Courses

About the Lecture

The lecture Antitrust Law: Prohibition and Exceptions (2023) by Lecturio Online Courses is from the course Compliance Flat (EN) (2023).

Included Quiz Questions

  1. An association of independent undertakings aimed at restricting competition in their favour.
  2. An association of independent undertakings whose object is to prevent competition in their favour.
  3. In a merger of independent companies aimed at preserving competition.
  4. At a single, independent company that aims to distort competition in its favour.
  1. Vertical agreements concern companies within a production chain, for example, suppliers and buyers
  2. Horizontal agreements concern undertakings at the same level of the market, for example, two chocolate companies that are direct competitors.
  3. Vertical agreements only concern undertakings with a dominant market position that cannot abuse it.
  4. Horizontal agreements include cross-supply agreements.
  1. The agreement does not cover any material aspects, such as price.
  2. Neither the manufacturer nor the distributor exceeds a market share of 30 %.
  3. There are no restrictions on sales to the end consumer.
  4. There is a cross-supply between dealers of a selective sales system.
  5. Agreements on territorial restrictions have been reached.
  1. Own opinions and experiences that are not confidential, sensitive, or strategically significant.
  2. General economic data, statistics, and industry overviews.
  3. Price increases, discount programs, and payment terms.
  4. Changes in market shares and market positions.

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