The Awareness Ladder by Ben Hunt

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About the Lecture

The lecture The Awareness Ladder by Ben Hunt is from the course SEO from Scratch (EN). It contains the following chapters:

  • Web Content Strategy
  • The Awareness Ladder
  • Step 0
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4 and 5
  • Web Content Process

Included Quiz Questions

  1. It is a way of segmenting the people who may come to your website in terms of their level of awareness about what you offer. Depending on their level of awareness you need to show them different things.
  2. It is a way of segmenting the people who may come to your website in terms of their level of information. Depending on their level of information you need to show them different things.
  3. It is a way of segmenting the people who may come to your store in terms of their level of awareness about what you offer. Depending on their level of awareness you need to show them different things.
  4. It is a way of showing the people who come to your website the positive aspects of your products or services. Depending on their level of wealth you need to show them different things.
  1. Focusing on communicating the benefits to them of your offering
  2. Guiding their research, and then presenting your solution
  3. Making use of strong calls to action
  4. Creating content dedicated to the problem/opportunity
  1. Making sure you have your “trunk” in place
  2. Convincing and converting content
  3. Building landing pages and making sure every page has a logical next step
  4. Making sure of using strong calls to action
  5. Creating content dedicated to the staff

Author of lecture The Awareness Ladder

 Ben Hunt

Ben Hunt

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