Business negotiation (part 2): skills by Michael Schmitz

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About the Lecture

The lecture Business negotiation (part 2): skills by Michael Schmitz is from the course Success Factors at Work. It contains the following chapters:

  • Rule #1
  • How to prepare perfectly?
  • Great reviews
  • Negotiation power
  • International negotiations
  • Negotiating in Teams
  • Teams: Discuss in advance
  • Visualisation
  • Summary

Included Quiz Questions

  1. to prepare or perish.
  2. to keep silent and win.
  3. fairly complex to explain.
  4. to understand your BATNA and then proceed from there.
  1. gather data.
  2. prepare a fixed contract.
  3. outline your BETNA.
  4. map your own and expected interests.
  5. prepare questions.
  1. are key to good results. Positions are easy to explain and can normally lead to interests if we keep asking about the reasons that cause them.
  2. are relevant for me. Interests need to be explained and positions need to be defended.
  3. are not that important. Win-Win thinking is superior to both.
  4. are only involved in bargaining or haggling, not in negotiations.
  1. They should be prepared in a team.
  2. They can be different from the ones in your country. Emotions can be easily touched, because different cultures show respect in different ways.
  3. They are similar to business negotiations in your home country, there are no major issues to consider.
  4. They are easy to prepare and setup.
  1. Complexity/expert knowledge
  2. Less responsibility
  3. Better solutions
  4. Lack of trust or mandate
  5. Cheap tactic to build up pressure
  1. should be spotted and mentioned, inviting the other party to move back to a more sensible discussion.
  2. are a major offense that causes me to withdraw immediately from the negotiations.
  3. should be spotted but not mentioned, because it might lead to an awkward situation.
  4. are not very common.

Author of lecture Business negotiation (part 2): skills

 Michael Schmitz

Michael Schmitz

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Excerpts from the accompanying material

... not positions „I need that orange.“ „I would ...

... pigs? Create formulas, decide on objective sources. ...

... The Ape Exchange Refer to third ...

... their positions 6. Prepare questions: What would you love to know? What do they need/love to ...

... writing. What went well? What would you improve? ...

... device. Understanding interests. Investing time/ ...

... structure. Negotiation speed. Talking speed. Business or Personal? Decision ...

... sense + Asking go a long way ...

... Silence is golden. Clear verbs, descriptions ...

... how? Why visualize? Word choices: Three ...

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