Identifying and Understanding Various Working and Communication Styles by Dan O'Connor

About the Lecture

The lecture Identifying and Understanding Various Working and Communication Styles by Dan O'Connor is from the course Business Communication Training (EN). It contains the following chapters:

  • Identifying and Understanding the Various Styles
  • The Four Social Styles
  • Teambuilding
  • The Five Languages of Love
  • Style-Stepping
  • Identifying Different Types: Verbal Cues
  • Identifying Different Types: Visual Cues
  • What to Do as a Team

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Driver
  2. Expressive
  3. Amiable
  4. Analytical
  1. Driver
  2. Expressive
  3. Amiable
  4. Analytical
  1. I'd like to be taken out to lunch and not talk about work.
  2. A simple pat on the back would do
  3. Just being told I did a great job would be great
  4. I'd like you to wash my car while I'm working
  5. A gift certificate would be great
  1. I see what you're saying.
  2. I hear what you're saying.
  3. I get what you're saying.
  1. The analytical type
  2. The amiable type
  3. The driver type
  4. The expressive type
  1. I just need 30 you have it now, or should I come back later?
  2. Hi! How was your weekend?
  3. Hi, how have you been lately?
  4. Excuse me, I have a question about the Jones project, would you have a moment?

Author of lecture Identifying and Understanding Various Working and Communication Styles

 Dan O'Connor

Dan O'Connor

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Quiz Overview
Chapters of this lecture